

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Odd Dreams #13: A different era

Sometimes things aren't as they seem. The house was a large, older home. Spacious with two levels. Three levels, as a basement is briefly mentioned, but not actually shown. This is a family reunion like no other. Everyone decided to come to visit and stay with us.

My husband's parents came to the states to visit, bringing furniture that belonged to the husband (not sure how, as in the real world we have all our furniture here) and the style was a bit on the eccentric side, with primary reds, yellows, and blues, and there was also the color green. They had silhouettes of elephants and zebras and tigers on it, which the husband had picked out and wanted to decorate with. (He does not really care for animal print or bright colors in real life, thank god, because this was super tacky...) So I told him to put it in the "man cave" in the basement because it was too gaudy... (He's thankfully got better taste in decor than that) 

Then it pans over to him and his daddy sitting on a large rock having a father-son moment, where his daddy tells him how proud he is of him. They're having a conversation, and I'm sitting there near him and his daddy, and their conversation makes me think of how much I miss my dad (who died back in 2014) and so I was on a verge of tears thinking about him. They notice and ask whats wrong, so I attempt to tell them, trying not to cry, and failing miserably (I hate crying in front of people, so if you see me cry, congratulations, I probably trust you enough to let you into my circle... I don't cry often) 

The house was being prepped for a party, most likely a reunion since everyone was there, including my mom and brothers. I go to vacuum the house and get food, and then listen to my ipod. They're making hors d'oeuvres for the party. Then I woke up feeling sick.

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