

Friday, October 26, 2012

Recurring Dreams: # 1 The house

I keep having the same dream time after time about this house. It has 3, sometimes 4 levels. There are stained glass windows. The look of the house seems to be of a different era. Sometimes it belongs to my grandparents, sometimes my husbands family owns it, but always it is the same house. This dwelling has about 75 or more rooms. I am always finding myself going halfway up to the third floor, but I get this sense of uneasiness. Like something is terribly wrong or that I might find something terrible on the top floors. This sense of dread overcomes me. I descend from the staircase. I'm often finding myself trying to get someone to go up there with me. The walls are a beige, yellow white. The rooms are enormous. And like in an old dwelling from the 1800s, each room leads into another. The windows are beveled glass with a purple diamond in the middle. The floors are made of hard wood. These dreams started back in 2004/2005 after the death of my gran. I have them well up to today. I know it is the same house, even in the dream. It seems to always have a different owner each time though. But that feeling of uneasiness. I want to go up there and see whats so scary about the top floor.

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