

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Odd Dreams: #4 Go to work

I was visiting the town I used to live in and went to my old job to say hello. They tried to get me to work. My boss brought his dog to work. They were confused as to how I was there if I moved away and I had to explain. Then I was trying to get in touch with my friend Hillary, who was going to meet me at my house with her daughter Chanel. My boss was like "If you moved, how did you get here?" and I had to explain that I went to town to visit. I don't really know my reasoning as to how I got to Bel Air, but for some reason everyone was there. My boss asked me to walk his dog. It was a small black and white dog. Then someone tried to break into someone else's car and we had to battle the robbers to save the car.

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