

Monday, January 28, 2013

Odd Dreams: #8 Welcome home

We were all in a house, where my father in law and someone else were going to pick up my mother in law. My husband was anxious for them to get there. Finally, they pull up the driveway and get out of the car. 

My mother in law hugs my neck and tells me its so nice to meet me. She then hugged my husbands neck and said she missed him. 

I looked at my husband and was like "But... isn't she?" and he was like "Yeah, thats what I thought too." but we enjoyed her company. My father in law was trying to fix something. 

We showed her around, then we all went to Disney world. A kid stomped on my foot, so I ended up getting upset with the kid. Then we were all in a big pool. Then we went to someone's house where I told them it was haunted. 

The oddest part of this dream was seeing my mother in law. It was also the happiest and most exciting part. See, my mother in law died when my husband was 8 of a massive heart attack caused by an allergic reaction to something. I described how she was in the dream, and he said that was her to a T. 

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