Hospital corridor was long as I ran down to find his room. Fear struck me harder than I ever had felt. I felt a scream echo out of me as I kept running. “Mam you need to get down here, he’s dead” those words hurt my soul. I yelled out “I don’t wanna be a widow” as I ran down the corridor to a room at the end. He was lying on a bed. I grabbed his hand, it was cold but he didn’t look any different than normal. I cried harder than I ever cried. I begged him to wake up. I screamed.
I woke up crying. This has to be one of the most terrifying dreams. It upset me all day. He took it as a joke when I told him but it had me shook to my core

Saturday, October 5, 2019
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Terrifying Dreams #8: Haunted Family Reunion
Family reunions are normally very happy, harmonious, and you get together with good people. That's what we all did. Except for the place next door. We were all scared of the large building near us. No one wanted to even look at it.
The building was a large castle shaped house, about 4 to 5 stories tall. It was brick, but painted gray with white trim. It had a large balcony, and dark windows.
We were all in a dwelling placed next to the building, a table was set for all of us. There was a lot of food, and I was talking to the aunts. I went outside to investigate the large building next door as I'm interested in haunted places. I met up with a friend of mine who is interested in haunted places also. She had gotten the history of the house, where a woman had been electrocuted on the balcony and fell off the balcony as a result, resulting in death, which I'm assuming did not help with the cause of the place becoming haunted.
So we're all eating dinner with the family, my mom was there, all the aunts (including my husband's family) were there, and cousins, nephews, etc. All of us were wary of the house next door. None of the family would look at it because they were afraid it would "give the spirits power, something to feed on" so they didn't want to think about it. My mom's phone rang, but she didn't want to answer it, saying it's Walmart calling, probably a scam, so she declined the call.
Somehow the back of the property we were all on was closest to the haunted dwelling next door, and I had left something in a room where the window was less than 3 feet from the large building next door. My mom warned me "Don't look out the window, that place is evil. It's cursed" so I tried to avoid it. Sadness overtook me and I started crying (it was not me, but a spirit from the building going through me causing the sadness) and I had to fight it and tell it to leave me alone.
The back of the building was a large maze like structure. I got a creepy vibe from it. I then did a little more research on the place, and found that it was where a murder took place. After that, my alarm clock woke me up....
The building was a large castle shaped house, about 4 to 5 stories tall. It was brick, but painted gray with white trim. It had a large balcony, and dark windows.
We were all in a dwelling placed next to the building, a table was set for all of us. There was a lot of food, and I was talking to the aunts. I went outside to investigate the large building next door as I'm interested in haunted places. I met up with a friend of mine who is interested in haunted places also. She had gotten the history of the house, where a woman had been electrocuted on the balcony and fell off the balcony as a result, resulting in death, which I'm assuming did not help with the cause of the place becoming haunted.
So we're all eating dinner with the family, my mom was there, all the aunts (including my husband's family) were there, and cousins, nephews, etc. All of us were wary of the house next door. None of the family would look at it because they were afraid it would "give the spirits power, something to feed on" so they didn't want to think about it. My mom's phone rang, but she didn't want to answer it, saying it's Walmart calling, probably a scam, so she declined the call.
Somehow the back of the property we were all on was closest to the haunted dwelling next door, and I had left something in a room where the window was less than 3 feet from the large building next door. My mom warned me "Don't look out the window, that place is evil. It's cursed" so I tried to avoid it. Sadness overtook me and I started crying (it was not me, but a spirit from the building going through me causing the sadness) and I had to fight it and tell it to leave me alone.
The back of the building was a large maze like structure. I got a creepy vibe from it. I then did a little more research on the place, and found that it was where a murder took place. After that, my alarm clock woke me up....
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Odd Dreams #13: A different era
Sometimes things aren't as they seem. The house was a large, older home. Spacious with two levels. Three levels, as a basement is briefly mentioned, but not actually shown. This is a family reunion like no other. Everyone decided to come to visit and stay with us.
My husband's parents came to the states to visit, bringing furniture that belonged to the husband (not sure how, as in the real world we have all our furniture here) and the style was a bit on the eccentric side, with primary reds, yellows, and blues, and there was also the color green. They had silhouettes of elephants and zebras and tigers on it, which the husband had picked out and wanted to decorate with. (He does not really care for animal print or bright colors in real life, thank god, because this was super tacky...) So I told him to put it in the "man cave" in the basement because it was too gaudy... (He's thankfully got better taste in decor than that)
Then it pans over to him and his daddy sitting on a large rock having a father-son moment, where his daddy tells him how proud he is of him. They're having a conversation, and I'm sitting there near him and his daddy, and their conversation makes me think of how much I miss my dad (who died back in 2014) and so I was on a verge of tears thinking about him. They notice and ask whats wrong, so I attempt to tell them, trying not to cry, and failing miserably (I hate crying in front of people, so if you see me cry, congratulations, I probably trust you enough to let you into my circle... I don't cry often)
The house was being prepped for a party, most likely a reunion since everyone was there, including my mom and brothers. I go to vacuum the house and get food, and then listen to my ipod. They're making hors d'oeuvres for the party. Then I woke up feeling sick.
My husband's parents came to the states to visit, bringing furniture that belonged to the husband (not sure how, as in the real world we have all our furniture here) and the style was a bit on the eccentric side, with primary reds, yellows, and blues, and there was also the color green. They had silhouettes of elephants and zebras and tigers on it, which the husband had picked out and wanted to decorate with. (He does not really care for animal print or bright colors in real life, thank god, because this was super tacky...) So I told him to put it in the "man cave" in the basement because it was too gaudy... (He's thankfully got better taste in decor than that)
Then it pans over to him and his daddy sitting on a large rock having a father-son moment, where his daddy tells him how proud he is of him. They're having a conversation, and I'm sitting there near him and his daddy, and their conversation makes me think of how much I miss my dad (who died back in 2014) and so I was on a verge of tears thinking about him. They notice and ask whats wrong, so I attempt to tell them, trying not to cry, and failing miserably (I hate crying in front of people, so if you see me cry, congratulations, I probably trust you enough to let you into my circle... I don't cry often)
The house was being prepped for a party, most likely a reunion since everyone was there, including my mom and brothers. I go to vacuum the house and get food, and then listen to my ipod. They're making hors d'oeuvres for the party. Then I woke up feeling sick.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Odd Dreams #12: Flatulence is no laughing matter
So this one is a bit odd in of itself. In the dream me and my husband were visiting my mom, except the setting was the inside of my best friend's childhood home, and I was sitting in my papasan chair (which is here at my house in Connecticut and said friends and family mentioned live in Georgia) and we were all talking to my mom, and whilst sitting in the chair, I let one go, quite loudly, and this fart was quite lengthy and went off like an air horn. The level of fumes that emanated from this odorous act was something akin to a rotting corpse. My chair fell backwards from under me. My chair died from this fart. My mom was like "Damn..." and my husband was like "DUDE! Did you...Was that a fart??" and I started laughing uncontrollably. I woke up laughing. This was the first time ever coming out of a sleep laughing hysterically. I didn't think people laughed themselves awake in dreams. I was most certainly wrong. At least that fart stayed in the dream.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Odd Dreams 11: Reunion
It's been a while since I've written about my dreams. I've not had any that has stuck with me in quite a long time, but I had one recently, when I took a nap this afternoon.
Everyone was there. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. The WHOLE family. All sides. We were at this large property, best described as a mansion. Had to be huge to house that many people. The event going on was a wedding or some shower of sorts.
One of my aunts, one whom I'm REALLY close to, comes over. (keep in mind that I've never seen this woman angry EVER in real life) I was cooking or something and a piece of chicken had fallen on the floor and had been overlooked when I cleaned. (again, part of the dream, as I would NEVER overlook food falling on the floor accidentally...I'm pretty particular about everything staying clean so my cat doesn't eat it) She gets really pissed and starts telling me how it's disgusting to have food fall on the floor and not get picked up and that it's disrespectful. I feel sad and then everyone goes outside to the big event going on. So everyone is sitting in chairs outside, setting reminded me of a wedding, but I didn't see a bride or a groom present. They throw things that resemble potato chips and whoever catches them end up being the next in the family to have kids... I end up catching it, somewhat, but it bounces out of my hand. I get scared and ask my husband and my mom what happens if the thing lands in the hand but bounces out and nobody knew.
My mom and my stepdad were there too. My mom handed me one of my necklaces that matched the outfit I was wearing in the dream. And I couldn't find my shoes so I ended up wearing sandals that matched. We all ended up walking through the property, into what looked like a barn, but there were no animals. Just a LOT of land.
All the while I'm trying to find my aunt and apologize to her about everything in this dream. Then one of my friends shows up randomly and I follow her outside. She picks up a bug and (I hate bugs with a passion.) and she plays with it before letting it go. We go back inside through a back stairway that twisted up the stairs and was about 3 feet from the wall. So we had to squeeze through.
Don't really remember too much after that, because I got woken up.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Terrifying Dreams: #7 Corpse Mart
So, me, my husband, and my friend were at the store, and there was a big pot of soup cooking in the middle of the produce section.
I kept seeing the contents levitating out of the pot, and it levitated up and landed on my husband scalding him, causing him to run from it, then our friend sees something and screams loudly. He runs into this room, along with my husband, and I hear a loud noise and screamed as I ran into the room to join them. I see blood on the walls, as me and the guys stick close together. I'm sitting there freaking out along with our friend, my husband is confused.
Then as we go to investigate the lights in the store cut off, and you could hear something running after us, but could not see it. They were still in the process of building the store, and had built it over a cemetery.
As it came after us and got close, I woke up to my clock hitting the floor as I punched it and the contents on my bedside table...
I kept seeing the contents levitating out of the pot, and it levitated up and landed on my husband scalding him, causing him to run from it, then our friend sees something and screams loudly. He runs into this room, along with my husband, and I hear a loud noise and screamed as I ran into the room to join them. I see blood on the walls, as me and the guys stick close together. I'm sitting there freaking out along with our friend, my husband is confused.
Then as we go to investigate the lights in the store cut off, and you could hear something running after us, but could not see it. They were still in the process of building the store, and had built it over a cemetery.
As it came after us and got close, I woke up to my clock hitting the floor as I punched it and the contents on my bedside table...
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Terrifying Dreams: #6 Escape
We were hanging out with family and invited them over, and it was a normal day, and after our family went home, there was this loud noise, which shook the house, and we and all the neighbors of our neighborhood had to go to this hiding place until it was safe again because there were explosions. When it quieted down, we all went back home, to hopefully be safe, but we didn't want to be alone, so we invited our family to stay that night with us.
The next day, they went home, and we were still scared, so I go to lock the door. We go back into our night time routine, but I notice this guy walks in the room. Me and my husband are quite confused as to how this guy got through the locked doors of the house. His buddy started throwing some kind of substance on our furniture around us, and tried to light a match. My husband tried to stop them, as I bolted for the door, screaming with the hopes someone would hear me. I grabbed my phone to call the cops while sprinting to the next safest place I could find, while sobbing hysterically...
Then I wake up to my husband asking if I'm okay cause apparently I was running in my sleep and kicked him in the process.
The next day, they went home, and we were still scared, so I go to lock the door. We go back into our night time routine, but I notice this guy walks in the room. Me and my husband are quite confused as to how this guy got through the locked doors of the house. His buddy started throwing some kind of substance on our furniture around us, and tried to light a match. My husband tried to stop them, as I bolted for the door, screaming with the hopes someone would hear me. I grabbed my phone to call the cops while sprinting to the next safest place I could find, while sobbing hysterically...
Then I wake up to my husband asking if I'm okay cause apparently I was running in my sleep and kicked him in the process.
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